Ximena Ayala-搜索结果

  • 神奇的鲶鱼 Los insólitos peces gato

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:克劳迪亚·圣-卢斯   编剧:克劳迪亚·圣-卢斯

    主演:Carlos Hoeflich, Miriam Carsi, Sofía López, Rocío Montiel, 莉萨·欧文, Ximena Ayala, Sonia Franco, Wendy Guillén

      克劳蒂(Ximena Ayala 饰)一直过着形单影只无亲无故的生活,一场肠胃炎将她送进了医院,克劳蒂就此结识了隔壁病床的女子玛莎(莉萨·欧文 Lisa Owen 饰)。

  • 幻灭的故事 Historias del desencanto

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 歌舞片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Felipe Gómez, Alejandro Valle   编剧:Alejandro Valle

    主演:Ximena Ayala, Mario Oliver, Fabiana Perzabal

      Ximena leads her young friend Diego into a warehouse filled with strange objects. The woman who lives there, Ainda, returns home while the two kids are still inside. Ainda is an artist haunted by the ghost of her dead lover. But she is hiding something even more horrific from the rest of the world. When the two school kids lear...